This course, “Living Forward, Reflecting Afterwards”, is aimed at developing the competences of those youth workers involved in social inclusion activities with young prisoners. The objectives of this project are: 1. To provide a space for sharing experiences and best practices of those professionals working with young prisoners in several European countries and with special regard to those difficulties they normally have and how they overcome them; 2. To explore and learn about a new educational approach called DRAMA PRETEXT in order to improve the quality of the youth work done with this sensitive target group; 3. To develop the skills and attitudes of youth workers in Europe through non formal education methodologies in order to better face and solve interpersonal communication and interaction with young prisoners; 4. To give tools and methods to youth workers for better plan future social inclusion activities through YiA Programme such as Action 1.2 Group initiatives within the prisons; 5. To develop the competences of participants in developing their own drama pretexts adapted to the group of young people they work with; 6. To set the ground for future collaboration and joint projects among the group of participants. Age limit: No age limit Persons from Malta: 2 Total number of participants: 22 Dates: 2nd - 11th April, 2012 Place: Murcia, Spain Venue: Casa del Trigo, Municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz Accommodation and food covered by host organisation. Travel expenses refunded 70% Information pack below. Send application form ASAP to [email protected].