Malta UNESCO Youth Association has received an invitation to send two paticipants to a project called “Today's Youth...Tomorrow's Citizens (TYTC)” in the frame of Europe for Citizens measure 2.3. The project “Today's Youth...Tomorrow's Citizens (TYTC)” want to send an important message to EU citizens: “take an active role in society for your future and the future of the society itself”. We don’t’ want EU citizens waiting at the window (or on facebook) and expecting others to decide for them but we want them to wake up from their “civic sleep” thinking not just to what EU can do for them but firstly to what they can do for EU. The project will realize a transnational seminar focusing on the following topics: - European active citizenship - volunteering - youth employment - youths and politics One of the strength points of the project is the Intercultural dialogue: TYTC will involve 66 participants coming from 30 States ( 27 EU members + 3 candidate countries) in a way to deal with issues in a broad comparative perspective and find common solutions while ensuring maximum impact to the project. Each debate each speech will be carried out respecting all the cultures. The comparison between different cultures will show to the participants that each culture can be different in something from the others, but all of them have common values and that’s important to build a “common Europe”. The participants will understand that European Union has not to be constituted of Italians, French, Spanish etc....but of “European citizens”. The seminar will take place in Sciacca (in the south - east cost side of Sicily) and one day in Mussomeli . It will last five days from 12th – 17th September 2011. Each organization will take part with 2 participants. No limit age for the participants. Travel costs (airplane and means of transports) will be reimbursed at 70%. Food and accommodation will be totally covered 100%. ![]()