The Universal Declaration of Human Rights should serve as inspiration in addressing migration issues12/7/2013 In light of what has happened in the past few days in Malta with regards to the push-back policy, the government’s decision and actions and the national debate that has been going on with regards to this issue, Malta UNESCO Youth Association would like to primarily refer to the UNESCO principles promoting the respect of human rights, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This declaration arose directly from the experience of one of the Second World War and represents global expression of rights to which all human beings are entitled. A declaration that inspired a rich body of international human rights treaties, which include the human rights which lie at the basis and the heart of the Maltese and European Constitution. We would like to express our continued commitment towards this declaration and encourage our government and other institutions to keep this declaration in mind and allow it to serve as inspiration in addressing the issues in this regard and work effortlessly towards achieving the universal enjoyment of human rights. Malta UNESCO Youth Association, fully understands that our country, Malta is small and is indeed facing big challenges in hosting the large number of migrants landing on our shores in the decent and humane environment that they deserve like any other human being, nonetheless, we strongly believe that intra-religious and intra-cultural understanding will bring us closer towards a thorough comprehension of the real problems behind migration and the championing of tangible solutions. Our organisation fully condemns any actions that promote push-back whether they are taken by the Government or any other institution. We strongly believe that a sense of solidarity, a genuine effort towards intra-cultural understanding and primarily the respect for human life as the basis of any decisions and actions taken within the political structures will allow for tangible solutions to be drawn up that tackle the challenges at their root rather than at their peripherals. |