Malta UNESCO Youth Association's President, Sarah Suda, got awarded the TOYP (The Outstanding Young Person) award for the category contribution to children, world peace, and /or human rights for her work done with MUYA during the TOYP awards ceremony that was held at The Hilton Hotel, Malta on the 28th November, 2010. The award, is aimed at giving deserved recognition, on a national as well as on an international level, to any individual who has made a difference in his or her community and beyond. Launched locally in 2004, the TOYP Award has given recognition to a number of individuals within various fields. Young people such as Dr Simon Busuttil, Ms Marija Schranz, Ms Sylvana Brannon, Hon Dr Tonio Fenech and Eng Dr Nicholas Sammut have all been winners of previous TOYP Awards. In 2009, Dr Alan Deidun won the TOYP Award. Young men and women between the age of 18 and 40 get nominated for 10 different categories and from the winners of each category, The Outstanding Young Person of the Year is selected. David Serge (filmmaker and business person - The Bigger Picture) won the overall award. The TOYP awards are organised in Malta by Junior Chamber International Malta. |