A training course will be held in Buzau, Romania, between the 5th and the 12th May, 2011 on tools using drama in youth projects to develop intercultural dialogue and active participation.
The official language of the training course in English. 70 % of the travel course will be reimbursed and accommodation and food will be supplied by the organisers. Youth leaders, youth workers, youngsters, social workers from the 27 EU countries and Turkey, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland will be meeting in Buzau, Romania to discuss this subject. Age of participants should be 18+. Links to the places we'll visit during training course http://travelbuzau.com/atractii-turistice/peisaje-naturale/vulcanii-noroiosi# http://travelbuzau.com/atractii-turistice/manastirii-si-biserici/manastirea-ciolanu http://travelbuzau.com/atractii-turistice/muzee/tabara-de-sculptura-magura Interested participants should contact us on [email protected] at the earliest possible. |