Name: Lead the Ship
Dates: 6th to 13th February Type: Mobility of Youth KA1 Erasmus+ Participants needed: 3 participants (minimum 18 years old) Location: Olomouc, Czech Republic Costs: Travel costs covered up to a limit of 275€. Food and accommodation 100% free. Membership fee of 5 EUR for non-members. Participation fee Malta - €10 Host Organisation: Vivid Countries Participating: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain Project Description: Do you believe that success and sustainability of NGO’s are strongly connected to efficient leadership? Would you like to learn more about a concept of the leader? And would you like to discuss and share your ideas with people from across Europe? We are looking for youth workers and youth leaders, who want to share their passion, motivation and knowledge with others and want to learn in the same way. Participants should be involved in youth sector or some active citizenship projects and they should have a motivation to accomplish their goals. Experience in leading the group(s) of people is very welcome. With this project, we aim to walk the way towards professionalism in order to sustain and deliver - we can cooperate together, strengthen our partnerships, learn through each other, share practices, disseminate results and build in bigger picture. Focus is put to exercise leadership methods and improve techniques in order to successfully lead the group of workers, volunteers and participants on the field of active participation within their local communities, where motivation clearly is not driven by money or other corporate sphere success measures, but more likely by values, passion and believes. Email [email protected] for more information and application forms which must be submitted by the 2nd January 2018. |