Name: “Film me: Inclusion” Dates: 10 December – 17 December (8 Days) Type: Mobility of Youth KA1 Erasmus+ Participants needed: 4 participants (18 -25 years old) and 1 group leader (no age limit) Location: Sopron, Hungary Costs: Travel costs covered up to a limit of 275€. Food and accommodation 100% free. Membership fee of 5 EUR for non-members. Participation fee Malta - €10 Host Organisation: Mozgóképmás Egyesület Countries Participating: Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Portugal, Turkey, Serbia and Spain Project Description: Reducing the barriers to inclusion requires integrated effort across government and non-government agencies at all levels, horizontally and vertically, influencing policy and practice through direct links to individual experience. Organizations from all sectors could build the bridges, required to support community participation, active citizenship and build social capital. The working methods include practical workshops on the basics of creating short movies, writing a script, filming on location, acting, editing materials etc. Also, the working methods include many non-formal learning activities for more in-depth grasping of the problem of social inclusion. The project design first would prepare the participants with their own attitudes and opinions, and afterwards would film what they have attained. Participants would also be welcomed to use their own footage material if that contributes to their creativity idea and contributes to their creativity processes for making short movies on the theme of social exclusion. Email [email protected] for participation forms that need to be submitted by Friday 15 September ’17. |