Name: “CreativItaly - Migration & Solidarity” Dates: 21st to 30th June 2019 Type: Erasmus+ (KA1 – Youth Mobility) Participants needed: 5 participants Age: 16 to 18 Location: Claviere, Italy Costs: Travel costs covered up to a limit of €275. Food and accommodation 100% free. Membership fee of €5 for non-members. Participation fee Malta - €10. Host Organisation: Madiba SCS Countries Participating: Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Romania, Sweden, UK and Italy Sending Organisation: Malta UNESCO Youth Association Project Description: Creativity projects are miniatures of a world we all want to live in. A world where difference is a driving force, equality is a must, mistakes are means for change and development and creativity is being. Creativity projects have been taking place since several times since 2004. More than 1000 young people have participated coming from more than 25 different countries and multiple cultural backgrounds. The next Youth Exchange aims to serve its objectives and priorities, among others, cultural diversity and understanding, social inclusion and European active citizenship. "Creativity" is a platform for young people to express themselves using artistic means in a variety of topics of primary interest to them. It is a gathering of bodies, minds and souls and not an accumulation of numbers. Creativity Youth Exchanges has already happened not only in Greece but in Spain, in U.K., in Serbia and now is finally time to make it happen in Italy! Interested applicants are to fill the participation form here by the 25th May 2019. |