CEIPES Italy is launching a "call for articles" on the framework of the web radio project YOUTH PROTAGONISTS. Articles will be published on the webpage of the radio:http://youthonair.org/ Youth Protagonists is a project co-funded by the European Commission through the fund dedicated to Youth - Youth in Action (http://ec.europa.eu/youth/index_en.htm). The main aims of the project are to create a space where young people can freely and creatively express their ideas and opinions on important European and Global issues and to promote youth participation and empowerment. The web radio is managed by young people from Italy, Romania and Turkey. In order to develop the webpage of the radio and add information and issues of relevance for youth and their communities, we are launching this call for articles at world-wide level. This call will be launched regularly each month or each 2 months since now. If you are interested to participate please ensure you fulfill the following condition: - Have between 15 and 30 years old. The articles should respect the following criteria: - Be in English language. - Have between 150 and 400 words. - Be in word document. - Describe a situation/event/reflection/issue relevant for youth people in your community and/or world-wide. - Should be identified: name and surname, place and country, date of birth, email contact. - Arrive until the 11 of October 2010. Articles should be send to the email: [email protected] Selection procedure: - The articles will be subject to an evaluation aimed to verify the contents. - The evaluation will be done by a committee constituted by the project coordinator and 1 young person already involved in the project. - In some cases it might be required to the authors to do small changes. - (*) The committee reserves the right to refuse the articles that have contents not relevant to the aims of the project and/or that does not correspond to the criteria above described. - All articles will be published, with exception of articles that fall in the condition described in the above (*) paragraph. For further information please write to the email: [email protected] ![]()